Polarmate's Spotlight
Monday, November 29, 2004
  Home made Twister: Create Your Own Tornado
We discovered how to make our own home-made tornado quite by accident!!

All you you need is an empty bottle of Frank's hot sauce, without the label or any bottle that has a very narrow mouth and is cone-shaped towards the mouth.

Fill the bottle with water and turn it upside down and drain till there is about 1/2 inch of air at the top (which is the bottom of the bottle). Then swirl the bottle around in a quick circular motion about 5-6 times and hold it very still thereafter. You should see a vortex forming as the water rushes to the bottom and air is sucked in at the same time to fill the low pressure area being created at the top.

In a real tornado, hot air trapped below cold air rises to form the swirling winds of a tornado's vortex. The water in our home made example is the cool air.

It's just too cool!!

Other Tornado Resources:
Fujita Tornado Damage Scale, developed in 1971 by T. Theodore Fujita of the University of Chicago.
Quick-reference summary of tornado knowledge
Tornado images (Google Images)
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